
Avoiding a Valentine's Day Massacre

Avoiding a Valentine's Day Massacre

You may not be familiar with the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre as a historical event involving deception, spying, guessing, and brutal murder, but you may feel very similar in regards to Valentine’s Day in your own significant relationship. Like Al Capone’s henchmen in the infamous Chicago Massacre of 1929 spying on his rival gang members, you hide out, closely watching your partner trying to discern what their expectations for Valentine’s Day may be.  

The Great Christmas Trial

The Great Christmas Trial

It’s the most wonderful time of the year...except it’s not. While many approach the Christmas season with overwhelming excitement and glee, others watch the month of December approach with dread and long for this season to over. We may even find ourselves like George Bailey standing on a bridge peering down at the chilly water below and an ending to the pain of Christmas, once and for all.