
Staying Mentally Well: Be Intentional

Staying Mentally Well: Be Intentional

It is probably just as important during this time to take note of how to stay well emotionally as much as physically. Yes, hand-washing, social isolation and now mask wearing are important, but the conversation that is crucial to staying mentally, emotionally and spiritually well. These are issues that many are vulnerable to beyond the immuno-compromised, so it is time we do some gut checking on our emotional competency. Truth be told, these are probably things we all need to be doing anyway - there is nothing like a little “encouragement” in the form of a pandemic!

Today, after talking about being sad , being angry, and being afraid, as well as examining our limits, it’s a great time to turn to being intentional with our current life.

Be Intentional

Now that you and your family are likely home and if your workplace is closed or asking you to work from home, it is a great time to evaluate all things in your life not only that you are grieving, but also what you are not grieving. You read that correctly. Take a moment to see what you are not missing.

Staying Mentally Well: Be Limited

Staying Mentally Well: Be Limited

It is probably just as important during this time to take note of how to stay well emotionally as much as physically. Yes, hand-washing, social isolation and now mask wearing are important, but the conversation that is crucial to staying mentally, emotionally and spiritually well. These are issues that many are vulnerable to beyond the immuno-compromised, so it is time we do some gut checking on our emotional competency. Truth be told, these are probably things we all need to be doing anyway - there is nothing like a little “encouragement” in the form of a pandemic!

Today, after talking about being sad and being angry, as well as being afraid we must come to term now with our limitations.

Be Limited

Limitations. In a word, shame, another hard feeling, one we are all afraid of encountering. Yes, we are limited, and if anything, this pandemic is making it utterly apparent that you and I really do not control much of anything in our lives.

We are all used to feeling like the captains of our own ships. And in the midst of this, we are trying to be “normal” and have answers. Yet in reality, we just do not know and it is tough to not know.