Building Sexual Intimacy in Your Marriage

Sex. We hear about sex almost daily. Most weekly magazines appear to offer great tips and ideas about improving your sex life, but upon further review, most of these tips and tricks are shallow and only exist to make you interested in the magazine. Creating and maintaining real intimacy in marriage is often one of- if not the- greatest challenge in marriage and is not solved by “20 Tips to Wow Him” or  “10 New Positions to Change Your Sex Life.” Many Christians struggle in learning a healthy balance of understanding and living out healthy, holy, and God-honoring sex while not relying on our education to come from the magazine section at the grocery store. We may have grown up with contradicting messages about sex or a dearth of conversation about sex. As you may hear below, your message may have sounded like this: "Sex is dirty. Save it for the one you love." (listen/watch below) Either way, the lack of understanding God's gift of sexuality often inhibits us from experiencing deep sexual intimacy in our marriages.

Well, if you are interested in improving your relational intimacy on multiple levels and developing a healthy, Godly view of sex, are married, and live in Memphis, you are in luck! We are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to attend the Passion Intimacy Conference on November 20th-21st. Dr. Mike Sytsma will discuss sex and sexuality from a Christian viewpoint, specifically to help couples develop deeper emotional and sexual intimacy. Developing a healthier view on sex and sexuality is a fantastic way for Christians influence our highly sexualized culture and teach appropriate sexuality rather than avoidance of the subject of sex. I highly encourage you to make time for you and your spouse to attend and enjoy this wonderful experience. More details regarding the topics covered and how to register are below.


  • A greater understanding of the beauty of God's gift of sexuality.
  • A sexual vocabulary that helps husbands and wives discuss sexual issues.
  • God's design for resolving sexual desire conflicts in marriage.
  • Creative heart honoring ways to initiate intimacy with their spouse.
  • What's "normal" in sexual response and activity.
  • How to determine what's sexually acceptable for Christian couples.
  • The critical role of emotional and spiritual intimacy for healthy physical intimacy.

Registration Information:

When: Fri-Sat, Nov. 20-21, 2015

Where: Living Hope Church - 345 Keough Dr, Piperton, TN 38017

How much: $90 (check out the website for other information including why Mike recommends getting a hotel for Friday night, etc.)

Other Resources:

Check out this video of Dr. Mike below speaking on Sexual Purity:

And if you are interested in engaging in an ongoing process of healing and growing your marital emotional and sexual intimacy, read more here about my services. I would be glad to continue walking with you before and after the conference.

For more information on the conference, go to: